The Alpha Team seeks attractive risk-adjusted returns and low correlation, while seeking to preserve capital, through a diversified portfolio of Various financial Assets. Our clients get the advantage of both worlds: Low Capital Requirements, as low as $500 and access to global financial assets through a lens that seeks to overcome the challenges in our increasingly complex and interconnected world. Our dedicated team with over 12 years of experience, whose insights are sought from some of the world’s largest asset managers are passionate in walking with our investors all the way to their investment goals.
To hold our clients' hand in navigating the investment world all the way to their desired goals.
To be a household financial solutions partner globally.
Alpha investments is a team of experienced and forward-thinking individuals, with exceptional background in portfolio management, investment analysis and investment advisory.
With over 17 years in the finance industry, we enable our clients reach their investment goals via our personalized risk adjusted products that suit investors with differentiated exposures both in the mainstream and the alternative investments. We provide access to alternative investment strategies through portfolios of Currencies, Commodities e.g. precious metals, Indices, Stocks, CFDs, registered liquid funds, Fixed Income and direct investing.